the NEW

WAY TO wellness

perfect for people who eat

sack off the snacks, shake off the sugaR AND feed YOUR ENERGY FOR LIFE

Introducing a Revolutionary Approach to Wellness.

I developed a method that was missing from the wellness landscape—one where intuitive understanding of your body and rigorous, data-driven strategies come together. This method is straightforward yet profound, designed to help you fall in love with your body and its potential. Forget genetics—this isn’t about what you’re born with; it’s about shaping your future. Here, you’re not just participating; you’re mastering the art of wellness, driven by beliefs that support, not sabotage, your health goals.

Body Belief 3xi Method®

How do I transform your health & habits in super fast time?

Show me your diet and I'll show you what beliefs need to shift. You track daily, I analyses, spot the gaps and ask the questions to help you see what can change. 

When you set a clear intention you activate a power within your subconscious mind to manifest your goals. Your Body Belief Blueprint is created. 

You track your daily diet and mood to uncover patterns. This step helps us gather crucial data about your unique needs. I analyse, spot the gaps and ask the queations to show you what's possible. 

We create the diet based on what works for your body to gain energy, manage weight and feel reunited with your body. All whilst creating habits that support your intentions and some. 

Why it works

  • Daily feedback by me (Alex) not AI.
  • Habit's changed subtly each day.
  • Ecological objections reframed when I see them.
  • Not waiting a week to speak to me.
  • Questions answered, feelings felt and emotions acknowledged daily. 
  • Theory taught at the times you need it, it's not formulaic. 
  • Intentions held accountable. 
  • Goals achieved in a way you've never achieved them before. 

Body Belief 3xi Method®

ways to work


This method is designed to fit effortlessly into your busy schedule, making sustainable health changes not just possible but inevitable.

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Anyone who thinks they don't have time to believe in their body has never worked with me. 

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you can't heal what you hate

“Alex is incredibly knowledgeable and insightful and her real-world experience sets her apart from so many wellness coaches. It was effortless and fun to integrate the habits she taught me.

Kind words from

Tali Edut - CEO Astrostyle

“The Body Belief method is so rch, yet so easy to digest.

Kind words from

Kathe Crawford. -USA

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let's make magic

I'd love to work with you. Nothing inspires me more than a woman who re-ignites the belief about her body. 

Let's Do This